Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What You've Missed

Today our baby boy turns 9 months old! We can't believe how fast this year is going! In the last nine months, Owen has given us a whole new meaning to life. Last night as we scrubbed bottles, made more bottles, scraped dinner off the floor, and reached under the couch to find toys that had rolled away, we asked ourselves, "What did we used to do before Owen?" Wow, we must have lived a pretty boring life. It was just before 7 pm. I think I used to be in my pajamas at this time, already relaxing with a glass of wine in my hand. Now look at us. We haven't even eaten dinner yet and the house looks like the inside of a toy box. It's a race to clean up and be on the couch for our 8:00 House date. Ben takes the bottles, I take the toys. Meet ya at the finish.

As tiring as having a baby is, we are loving (almost) every bit of it. He makes us smile and laugh all the time and is teaching us new things every day. We are amazed at how much he is learning and we love to see the world through his eyes. Since Owen was born, he has always been a talker. He rambles on constantly. Recently he has actually begun to say "words" and we notice he is making sense of many things. He loves to call his "Dada," point out the "Aps" (airplanes) and his most recent attempt at a word was when he wanted me to turn on the "La" (light). He loves language. He watches our mouths as we speak to him, and studies the objects we name. When asked, he can point out the clock, lights, babies, airplane, trucks, water, outside, and his paintings on the wall. I'm sure every parent says this, but I'm pretty certain we have the smartest baby ever...

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